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     ODBTP -- Examples

odbtpcli.c   General purpose ODBTP C client program. Demonstrates how to execute a query and fetch rows.
initints.c   A C program that initializes a table with 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit integer data. Demonstrates how to prepare and execute a query containing parameters.
twotimes.c   A C program that uses a stored procedure to multiple 32-bit and 64-bit values by two. Demonstrates how to prepare and execute a stored procedure.
query.php   General purpose ODBTP PHP client script. Demonstrates how to execute a query and fetch rows.
sp_who.php   This is a PHP script that executes sp_who, a MS SQL Server system stored procedure. Demonstrates how to retrieve data from a query using attached fields.
addemp.php   A PHP script that adds employee information into a database. Demonstrates how to perform transactions, process UNICODE data, send input data to a stored procedure, and retrieve output data from a stored procedure.
insertints.php   A PHP script that inserts integer data into a table. Demonstrates how to prepare and execute a stored procedure using attached parameters.
storedqry.php   This is a PHP script that demonstrates how to execute a MS Access stored query.
scroller.php   A PHP script that provides an interface to scroll up, down, relatively and absolutely through a result set. Demonstrates how to use cursors and reserved connections.
sqltables.php   A PHP script that shows how to call the ODBC API catalog functions as queries. It also shows how to process nested queries on the same connection.
pearqry.php   This is a PHP script that demonstrates how to execute queries using the odbtp PEAR DB driver.
timetable   A set of PHP scripts used to insert and display datetime data. Demonstrates how to use a reserved connection to maintain a database connection across mulitple web pages. It also shows how to process datetime data.
Holocaust LC   The Holocaust Learning Center is an example of an actual website that uses ODBTP. All of this site's pages, except the home page, are dynamically generated from data stored in a MS-SQL 7.0 database. The web server used for this site is Apache running on a Solaris server. The Holocaust LC operates in a 3-tier environment, in which the site's Solaris-based PHP scripts connect to a MS-SQL 7.0 server running on a Windows NT 4.0 server via an ODBTP server running on a Windows 2000 server.