$con = odbtp_connect( 'odbtp.somewhere.com',
'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=myserver;UID=myuid;PWD=mypwd;DATABASE=mydatabase;' ) or die;
odbtp_use_row_cache() or die;
// Call ODBC API catalog function SQLTables to get list of tables.
$qryTables = odbtp_query( "||SQLTables" ) or die;
// Detach result so that another query can be executed on
// the same connection without losing this one.
odbtp_detach( $qryTables ) or die;
odbtp_attach_field( $qryTables, 2, $table ) or die;
echo "<dl>";
while( odbtp_fetch( $qryTables ) ) {
// Skip system tables.
if( !strncmp( $table, 'sys', 3 ) ) continue; // ignore system tables
echo "<dt>$table<dd>";
// Call ODBC API catalog function SQLColumns to get
// table columns.
$qryColumns = odbtp_query( "||SQLColumns|||$table" ) or die;
odbtp_attach_field( $qryColumns, 3, $column );
odbtp_attach_field( $qryColumns, 5, $type );
while( odbtp_fetch( $qryColumns ) ) {
echo "$column $type<br>";
echo " <br></dd>";
echo "</dl>";