ODBTP -- PHP Extension

Runtime Configuration Options (php.ini)

Option Type Default Description
odbtp.interface_file string "/usr/local/share/odbtp.conf" Path to ODBTP interface file.
odbtp.datetime_format string "object" Format to use when returning data from datetime fields. One of the following formats can be chosen:

object - datetime object.
ctime - C time value.
mdyhm - Jan 7 2000 02:39PM
mdyhms - Jan 7 2000 02:39:06PM
mdyhmsf - Jan 7 2000 02:39:06.480PM

odbtp.detach_default_queries boolean no Automatically detach default queory resources prior to executing or preparing another query.
odbtp.guid_format string "string" Format to use when returning data from GUID (uniqueidentifier) fields. The choices are "object" or "string."
odbtp.truncation_errors boolean yes Generate errors if field or parameter data is truncated.

Microsoft SQL Server Support

Follow the below steps to provide support for and compatibility with the functions from the mssql extension.
  1. Install the odbtp extension with mssql support.

  2. Create an ODBTP interface file, i.e., odbtp.conf, containing the below lines:
    type = mssql
    odbtp host = hostname or IP address of ODBTP server
    use row cache = yes
    right trim text = yes
  3. Add the following lines to the php.ini file:
    odbtp.interface_file = "full path name of odbtp.conf file"
    odbtp.datetime_format = mdyhmsf
    odbtp.detach_default_queries = yes
Note: The odbtp extension with mssql support cannot be loaded with the mssql extension because of namespace conflicts. To test an existing PHP script that uses the mssql extension without having to include mssql support in the odbtp extension, the following can be done:
  1. Copy the PHP script file to a different location or filename.
  2. Replace all instances of the text "mssql_" to "odbtp_" in the copied file.
  3. Run the modified script.

Predefined Constants

ODB Attributes

ODB_ATTR_CACHEPROCSLongDetermines if prepared procedure information should be cached. If the value is set to 0, then the cache will not be used.
ODB_ATTR_DATABASENAMEStringDatabase name [read only].
ODB_ATTR_DBMSNAMEStringDBMS name [read only].
ODB_ATTR_DBMSVERStringDBMS version [read only].
ODB_ATTR_DESCRIBEPARAMSLongUsed to determine whether or not ODBTP server should try to describe parameters after preparing a query. If the value is set to 0, the server will not try to describe the parameters.
ODB_ATTR_DRIVERLongDriver type [read only]. Valid types are:


ODB_ATTR_DRIVERNAMEStringDriver name [read only].
ODB_ATTR_DRIVERODBCVERStringDriver ODBC version [read only].
ODB_ATTR_DRIVERVERStringDriver version [read only].
ODB_ATTR_DSNStringData source name [read only].
ODB_ATTR_FETCHROWCOUNTLongNumber of rows returned by the server per fetch row request. This attribute applies only to forward-only cursors, and is used to improve performance. Only one row per request is sent by the server for static, keyset and dynamic cursors.
ODB_ATTR_FULLCOLINFOLongUsed to determine whether or not full column info should be sent. If the value is set to 0, then minimal column info will be sent.
ODB_ATTR_MAPCHARTOWCHARLongDetermines if character data types should be mapped to wide character. If the value is set to 0, then the mapping will not be performed.
ODB_ATTR_OICLEVELLongODBC interface conformance level [read only]. Possible values are:


ODB_ATTR_QUERYTIMEOUTLongQuery execution timeout in seconds.
ODB_ATTR_RIGHTTRIMTEXTLongUsed to determine whether or not trailing space characters should be removed from text data during retrieval. If the value is set to 0, text data will not be trimmed by the server.
ODB_ATTR_SERVERNAMEStringDatabase server name [read only].
ODB_ATTR_TRANSACTIONSLongTransaction type used for queries. Valid types are:


ODB_ATTR_TXNCAPABLELongIndicates whether or not ODBC driver supports transactions [read only]. 1 if yes, and 0 if no.
ODB_ATTR_UNICODESQLLongUsed to determine whether or not SQL query strings should be submitted using UTF8 encoded UNICODE characters. If the value is set to 0, then normal characters should be used.
ODB_ATTR_USERNAMEStringDatabase user name [read only].
ODB_ATTR_VARDATASIZELongMaximum size of buffer for variable length data if it is not explicitly specified when binding a column or parameter.

ODB Data Types

TypeSQL TypeDefault TypePHP Type
ODB_BINARYbinary, varbinary, imageODB_BINARYstring (binary)
ODB_BIGINTbigintODB_BIGINTstring (numeric text)
ODB_UBIGINT  string (numeric text)
ODB_CHARchar, varchar, textODB_CHARstring (text)
ODB_DATE  string (binary)
ODB_DATETIMEsmalldatetime, datetimeODB_DATETIMEobject (datetime)
ODB_GUIDuniqueidentifierODB_GUIDobject (guid)
ODB_UINT  long
ODB_NUMERICdecimal, numericODB_CHARstring (binary)
ODB_TIME  string (binary)
ODB_WCHARnchar, nvarchar, ntextODB_WCHARstring (UTF-8 text)
NOTE: SQL Type is the corresponding SQL data type, and Default Type is the default ODB data type chosen by the server for the SQL data type. The default ODB data type for SQL data types not listed in the above table is ODB_CHAR. PHP Type is the PHP data type used for the ODB data type.

ODB Parameter Types

ODB_PARAM_NONEIndicates that parameter is undefined.
ODB_PARAM_INPUTIndicates that parameter is used for input.
ODB_PARAM_OUTPUTIndicates that parameter is used for output.
ODB_PARAM_INOUTIndicates that parameter is used for input and output.
ODB_PARAM_RETURNVALIndicates that parameter is a stored procedure's return value.
ODB_PARAM_RESULTCOLIndicates that parameter is a result column.

ODB Cursor Types

ODB_CURSOR_FORWARDForward-only cursor. This is the default cursor type, and does not support scrolling or row operations.
ODB_CURSOR_STATICStatic (read-only) cursor. This cursor supports scrolling, and row operations that do not modify the underlying data.
ODB_CURSOR_KEYSETKeyset cursor. This cursor supports scrolling, and all row operations.
ODB_CURSOR_DYNAMICDynamic cursor. This cursor supports scrolling, and all row operations.

ODB Cursor Concurrency Types

ODB_CONCUR_DEFAULTUse to specify default concurrency for a cursor. The default concurrency for forward-only and static cursors is read-only, and row version for keyset and dynamic cursors.
ODB_CONCUR_READONLYUse to specify read-only concurrency for a cursor.
ODB_CONCUR_LOCKUse to specify scroll lock concurrency for a cursor.
ODB_CONCUR_ROWVERUse to specify row version concurrency for a cursor.
ODB_CONCUR_VALUESUse to specify value-based concurrency for a cursor.

ODB Fetch Types

ODB_FETCH_DEFAULTFetch row using default method, which is a forward fetch.
ODB_FETCH_FIRSTFetch first row.
ODB_FETCH_LASTFetch last row.
ODB_FETCH_NEXTFetch next row.
ODB_FETCH_PREVFetch previous row.
ODB_FETCH_ABSFetch row absolutely.
ODB_FETCH_RELFetch row relative to current row.
ODB_FETCH_BOOKMARKFetch row relative to bookmarked row.
ODB_FETCH_REREADReread last fetched row.

ODB Row Status Values

ODB_ROWSTAT_ERRORAn error occurred for row.
ODB_ROWSTAT_SUCCESSSuccessfully fetched row.
ODB_ROWSTAT_NOROWNot a valid row.
ODB_ROWSTAT_UNKNOWNStatus of row is unknown or could not be determined.




odbtp_affected_rows -- get number of affected rows in last query


long odbtp_affected_rows(resource odbtp_query)

Returns the number of rows affected for the current result of an odbtp_query.

odbtp_allocate_query -- allocate query resource


resource odbtp_allocate_query([resource odbtp_connection])

Allocates an ODBTP query resource for odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource will be used. The return value is the ODBTP query resource, or FALSE if the function fails.

If odbtp_connection was not used in a prior call to odbtp_allocate_query, odbtp_get_query, odbtp_query or odbtp_prepare, then the returned resource will be the primary ODBTP query resource for odbtp_connection. The primary ODBTP query resource is used when calls to odbtp_query or odbtp_prepare are made with an ODBTP connection resource.

odbtp_attach_field -- attach result set field to variable


bool odbtp_attach_field(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id, mixed var[, long data_type[, long length]])

Attaches the odbtp_query result field field_id to the variable referenced by var. The ODB data type binding can be optionally changed with data_type. If length is included with data_type, then it will be used as the maximum size for the bound data buffer, otherwise the server will try to determine it via the ODBC driver. If data_type is a fixed length ODB data type, the length is ignored. The parameter field_id can either be the name or 0-based number of the field. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_attach_param -- attach prepared parameter to variable


bool odbtp_attach_param(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id, mixed var[, long data_type[, long length]])

Attaches the odbtp_query prepared parameter param_id to the variable referenced by var. The ODB data type binding can be optionally changed with data_type. If length is included with data_type, then it will be used as the maximum size for the bound data buffer, otherwise the server will try to determine it via the ODBC driver. If data_type is a fixed length ODB data type, the length is ignored. The value of param_id can either be the name or 1-based number of the prepared parameter. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_bind_field -- bind result set field to data type


bool odbtp_bind_field(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id, long data_type[, long length])

Binds the odbtp_query result field field_id to the ODB data type data_type. If length is specified, then it will be used as the maximum size for the bound data buffer, otherwise the server will try to determine it via the ODBC driver. If data_type is a fixed length ODB data type, the length is ignored. The parameter field_id can either be the name or 0-based number of the field. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_close -- close ODBTP connection


void odbtp_close([resource odbtp_connection[, bool disconnect_db]])

Closes the odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource will be closed. Set disconnect_db to TRUE if it is no longer necessary for the server to maintain its connection to the database for future use. The default for this parameter is FALSE. disconnect_db should only be used with reserved database connections, Setting it to TRUE for non-reserved database connections prevents them from being pooled.

odbtp_commit -- commit current transaction


bool odbtp_commit([resource odbtp_connection])

Commits the database transactions since the last commit or rollback. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource will be used. This function is only applicable if the ODB attribute ODB_ATTR_TRANSACTIONS is not set to ODB_TXN_NONE. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_connect -- connect to ODBTP service


resource odbtp_connect(string host, string dbconnect)

resource odbtp_connect(string interface[, string username[, string password[, string database]]])

Establishes a database connection via an ODBTP server, and returns the corresponding ODBTP connection resource or FALSE if it fails.

In the first version, the parameter host is used to specify the ODBTP server with the following format:


servname is either the hostname or IP address of the server. servport is the IP port used by the server (default is 2799). conntimeout is the maximum time in seconds to wait for a connection to be establised with the server (default is 10 seconds). readtimeout is the maximum time in seconds to wait for data to be read from the server (default is 300 seconds). Examples:


The parameter db_connect is the ODBC connect string corresponding to the database to which the server will establish a connection. Examples:

  DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=(local);UID=myuid;PWD=mypwd;DATABASE=mydb;
  DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:\\mydb.mdb;UID=admin;PWD=;
  DRIVER={Oracle ODBC Driver};DBQ=MYDB;UID=myuid;PWD=mypwd;
  DRIVER={Sybase ASE ODBC Driver};SRVR=MYSRVR;UID=myuid;PWD=mypwd;DATABASE=mydb;

In the second version, the parameter interface specifies the name of an interface defined in an interface file. The parameters username, password and database are optional parameters that can be used with the interface.

Note: The most recent ODBTP connection resource returned by either odbtp_connect, odbtp_rconnect or odbtp_sconnect will become the default ODBTP connection resource. This resource is used by functions that have an optional ODBTP connection resource parameter, such as, odbtp_close.

odbtp_connect_id -- get connection id


string odbtp_connect_id([resource odbtp_connection])

Returns the ODBTP connection ID for odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource is used. This function is typically called if odbtp_connection was established with odbtp_rconnect. The returned ID string can then be used to reestablish a connection to the corresponding reserved database connection. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_convert_all -- convert all field data to character format


bool odbtp_convert_all([resource odbtp_connection[, bool convert]])

Convert all result field data to character format for subsequent queries associated with odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource will be used. Set convert to TRUE to enable the conversion, or FALSE to disable it. If not specified, the default value for convert is TRUE. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_convert_datetime -- convert datetime field data to character format


bool odbtp_convert_datetime([resource odbtp_connection[, bool convert]])

Convert all datetime result field data to character format for subsequent queries associated with odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource will be used. Set convert to TRUE to enable the conversion, or FALSE to disable it. If not specified, the default value for convert is TRUE. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_convert_guid -- convert GUID (uniqueidentifier) field data to character format


bool odbtp_convert_guid([resource odbtp_connection[, bool convert]])

Convert all GUID result field data to character format for subsequent queries associated with odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource will be used. Set convert to TRUE to enable the conversion, or FALSE to disable it. If not specified, the default value for convert is TRUE. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_ctime2datetime -- convert a C time value into a datetime object


object odbtp_ctime2datetime(long ctime_val)

Returns the datetime object equivaluent of the C time value ctime_val. See odbtp_new_datetime for a description of the datetime object.

odbtp_data_seek -- move to a specific row


bool odbtp_data_seek(resource odbtp_query, long row)

If row caching has been enabled with odbtp_use_row_cache, this function can be used to move to the specified row within the cache associated with odbtp_query. The value for row is 0-based. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_datetime2ctime -- convert a datetime object into a C time value


long odbtp_datetime2ctime(object datetime_obj)

Returns the C time value equivaluent of the datetime object datetime_obj. See odbtp_new_datetime for a description of the datetime object.

odbtp_detach -- detach query from connection


bool odbtp_detach(resource odbtp_query)

Detaches the odbtp_query resource from the underlying connection. When a query resouce is detached, its result set is retained even if another query is executed with the same connection, or if the connection is closed. odbtp_detach should only be used if row caching has been enabled with odbtp_use_row_cache and all of the result set's rows are in the cache. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_dont_pool_dbc -- don't pool DB connection


bool odbtp_dont_pool_dbc([resource odbtp_connection[, bool dont]])

Don't place the underlying database connection associated with odbtp_connection into the pool. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource will be used. Set dont to TRUE to prevent pooling of DB connection, or FALSE to allow it to be pooled. If not specified, the default value for dont is TRUE. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_execute -- execute previously prepared query


bool odbtp_execute(resource odbtp_query)

Executes a previously prepared query for odbtp_query. If the execution is successful, then odbtp_query can be used to obtain the results. The function will return FALSE if it fails. See alse odbtp_prepare.

odbtp_fetch -- fetch row


bool odbtp_fetch(resource odbtp_query[, long fetch_type[, long fetch_param]])

Fetches a row from the current resutl set associated with odbtp_query. The fetched field data can be obtained with odbtp_field. The fetch_type specifies the ODB fetch type, fetch_param is the parameter for fetch_type, and is only required for ODB fetch types ODB_FETCH_ABS, ODB_FETCH_REL and ODB_FETCH_BOOKMARK. The default value for fetch_type is ODB_FETCH_FORWARD, and the default for fetch_param is 0. The function returns FALSE if there are no more rows or it fails.

odbtp_fetch_array -- fetch row as an array


array odbtp_fetch_array(resource odbtp_query[, long fetch_type[, long fetch_param]])

Fetches a row from the current resutl set associated with odbtp_query, and returns it as an array. The function returns FALSE if there are no more rows or it fails. See odbtp_fetch for details about the optional parameters fetch_type and fetch_param.

odbtp_fetch_array is an extended version of odbtp_fetch_row. In addition to storing the data in the numeric indices of the result array, it also stores the data in associative indices, using the field names as keys.

odbtp_fetch_assoc -- fetch row as an associative array


array odbtp_fetch_assoc(resource odbtp_query[, long fetch_type[, long fetch_param]])

Fetches a row from the current resutl set associated with odbtp_query, and returns it as an associative array. The function returns FALSE if there are no more rows or it fails. See odbtp_fetch for details about the optional parameters fetch_type and fetch_param.

odbtp_fetch_assoc fetches one row of data from the result set into an associative array. The data field names are used as the keys for the array.

odbtp_fetch_batch -- fetch next batch of rows


long odbtp_fetch_batch(resource odbtp_query)

Fetches the next batch of rows from the current result set associated with odbtp_query into the row cache. This function is only necessary if row caching has been enabled with odbtp_use_row_cache and the total number of rows in the result set is larger than the row cache size. If successful, the function will return the number of rows fetched into the cache, otherwise it returns FALSE.

odbtp_fetch_field -- get field information


object odbtp_fetch_field(resource odbtp_query[, mixed field_id])

Returns an object containing field information.

odbtp_fetch_field can be used in order to obtain information about fields in a certain query result. If the field_id isn't specified, the next field that wasn't yet retrieved by odbtp_fetch_field is retrieved.

The properties of the object are:

The parameter field_id can either be the name or 0-based number of the field. See also odbtp_field_seek.

odbtp_fetch_object -- fetch row as an object


object odbtp_fetch_object(resource odbtp_query[, long fetch_type[, long fetch_param]])

Fetches a row from the current resutl set associated with odbtp_query, and returns it as an object. The function returns FALSE if there are no more rows or it fails. See odbtp_fetch for details about the optional parameters fetch_type and fetch_param.

odbtp_fetch_object is similar to odbtp_fetch_array, with one difference - an object is returned, instead of an array. Indirectly, that means that you can only access the data by the field names, and not by their offsets (numbers are illegal property names).

odbtp_fetch_output -- fetch output parameters as an array


array odbtp_fetch_output(resource odbtp_query)

Fetches output parameter data resulting from the execution of a prepared query for odbtp_query. The data is returned as an array whose keys correspond to the output parameter numbers. The return value is FALSE if the function fails. Output parameter data is usually not available until all query results have been fetched.

odbtp_fetch_row -- fetch row as an enumerated array


array odbtp_fetch_row(resource odbtp_query[, long fetch_type[, long fetch_param]])

Fetches a row from the current resutl set associated with odbtp_query, and returns it as an enumerated array. The function returns FALSE if there are no more rows or it fails. See odbtp_fetch for details about the optional parameters fetch_type and fetch_param.

odbtp_fetch_row fetches one row of data from the result set. Each result field is stored in an array offset, starting at offset 0.

odbtp_field -- get/set current field value


mixed odbtp_field(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id[, mixed new_value])

If new_value is not specified, then the data value associated with the odbtp_query result field field_id will be returned. Otherwise, the field will be set to new_value and returns TRUE if it succeeds. If the function fails for either case, FALSE will be returned. The parameter field_id can either be the name or 0-based number of the field.

odbtp_fetch is used to obtain data from a row that was fetched with odbtp_fetch. It can also be used to set the field values for a row that will be updated with odbtp_row_update or added with odbtp_row_add.

odbtp_field_basename -- get field base name


string odbtp_field_basename(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Returns the base (actual) name of the odbtp_query result field field_id. The parameter field_id is either the name or 0-based number of the field. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_field_bindtype -- get field bind type


long odbtp_field_bindtype(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Returns the ODB data type bound to the odbtp_query result field field_id. The parameter field_id can either be the name or 0-based number of the field. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_field_catalog -- get field catalog


string odbtp_field_catalog(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Returns the catalog (database) of the odbtp_query result field field_id. The parameter field_id is either the name or 0-based number of the field. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_field_flags -- get field flags


string odbtp_field_flags(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Returns the flag settings of the odbtp_query result field field_id. The value is returned as a string containing one or more of the following substrings:


The parameter field_id is either the name or 0-based number of the field. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_field_ignore -- ignore field


bool odbtp_field_ignore(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Specifies that the odbtp_query result field field_id should be ignored when executing odbtp_row_update or odbtp_row_add. The function returns FALSE if it fails. The parameter field_id can either be the name or 0-based number of the field.

odbtp_field_length -- get field max char length


long odbtp_field_length(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Returns the maximum character display length of the odbtp_query result field field_id. The parameter field_id can either be the name or 0-based number of the field. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_field_name -- get field name


string odbtp_field_name(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Returns the name of the odbtp_query result field field_id. The parameter field_id is the 0-based number of the field. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_field_schema -- get field schema


string odbtp_field_schema(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Returns the schema (owner) of the odbtp_query result field field_id. The parameter field_id is either the name or 0-based number of the field. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_field_seek -- move to specified field


bool odbtp_field_seek(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Moves to the field specified by field_id. If the next call to odbtp_fetch_field doesn't include a field specification, this field would be returned. The parameter field_id can either be the name or 0-based number of the field. The function will return FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_field_table -- get field table


string odbtp_field_table(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Returns the table of the odbtp_query result field field_id. The parameter field_id is either the name or 0-based number of the field. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_field_type -- get field data type


string odbtp_field_type(resource odbtp_query, mixed field_id)

Returns the data type of the odbtp_query result field field_id. The parameter field_id is either the name or 0-based number of the field. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_free_query -- free query resource


void odbtp_free_query(resource odbtp_query)

Frees the odbtp_query that was previously allocated by odbtp_allocate_query, odbtp_get_query, odbtp_query or odbtp_prepare.

odbtp_get -- get parameter value


mixed odbtp_get(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id)

Returns the value of the prepared query parameter param_id for odbtp_query. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_get_attr -- get attribute


mixed odbtp_get_attr( long attrib[, resource odbtp_connection])

Gets the current value of the ODB attribute attrib for odbtp_connection. The default ODBTP connection resource is used if odbtp_connection is not specified. This function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_get_error -- get current error message


string odbtp_get_error(resource odbtp_handle)

Returns the error text associated with the last error that occured for odbtp_handle. The parameter odbtp_handle is either an ODBTP connection or query resource.

odbtp_get_message -- get current message


string odbtp_get_message(resource odbtp_handle)

Returns any message text that was returned by the server for odbtp_handle. The parameter odbtp_handle is either an ODBTP connection or query resource.

odbtp_get_query -- get query


resource odbtp_get_query([resource odbtp_connection[, long query_id]])

Returns the ODBTP query resource corresponding to query_id for odbtp_connection. This function returns FALSE if it fails. The default ODBTP connectinn resource will be used if odbtp_connection is not specified. The default for query_id is 0.

odbtp_get_query is normally used to restrieve an ODBTP query resource that is being maintained by the server for a reserved connection. It is normally called after reestablishing a reserved connection with odbtp_rconnect. See also odbtp_query_id.

If odbtp_connection was not used in a prior call to odbtp_allocate_query, odbtp_get_query, odbtp_query or odbtp_prepare, then the returned resource will be the primary ODBTP query resource for odbtp_connection. The primary ODBTP query resource is used when calls to odbtp_query or odbtp_prepare are made with an ODBTP connection resource.

odbtp_guid_string -- converts a GUID to its character string equivalent


string odbtp_guid_string(mixed guid [,bool short_format])

Converts the GUID object or binary string guid into its character equivalent. The short character format will be returned if short_format is TRUE. The default for short_format is FALSE. A GUID object has the following structure:

class guid
    var $data1; // 4-byte integer
    var $data2; // 2-byte integer
    var $data3; // 2-byte integer
    var $data4; // 8-byte binary string


odbtp_inout -- define parameter as input/output


bool odbtp_inout(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id[, long data_type[, long length[, mixed sql_type[, long size[, long precision]]]]])

Defines parameter param_id of a query prepared for odbtp_query as an inout parameter, and binds it to the ODB data type data_type. The parameter's default ODB data type will be used if data_type is not specified. If length is specified, then it will be used as the maximum size for the bound data buffer, otherwise the server will try to determine it via the ODBC driver. If data_type is a fixed length ODB data type, the length is ignored.

The parameters sql_type, size and precision are only required if the ODBTP service did not or was unable to describe the parameter. sql_type specifies a type name that was previously loaded with odbtp_load_data_types

This function will return FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_input -- define parameter as input


bool odbtp_input(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id[, long data_type[, long length[, mixed sql_type[, long size[, long precision]]]]])

Defines parameter param_id of a query prepared for odbtp_query as an input parameter, and binds it to the ODB data type data_type. The parameter's default ODB data type will be used if data_type is not specified. If length is specified, then it will be used as the maximum size for the bound data buffer, otherwise the server will try to determine it via the ODBC driver. If data_type is a fixed length ODB data type, the length is ignored.

The parameters sql_type, size and precision are only required if the ODBTP service did not or was unable to describe the parameter. sql_type specifies a type name that was previously loaded with odbtp_load_data_types

This function will return FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_is_detached -- determine if query is detached


bool odbtp_is_detached(resource odbtp_query)

Determines if the odbtp_query resource is detached from the underlying connection. When a query resouce is detached, its result set is retained even if another query is executed with the same connection, or if the connection is closed. The function returns TRUE if the specified query resource is detached. See odbtp_detach for details about detaching a query.

odbtp_last_error -- get the last error message


string odbtp_last_error([resource odbtp_connection])

Gets the the text of the last error that occurred for odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the text of the last odbtp function call error is returned.

odbtp_last_error_code -- get the last error code


long odbtp_last_error_code([resource odbtp_connection])

Gets the the code of the last error that occurred for odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the code of the last odbtp function call error is returned.

odbtp_last_error_state -- get the last error state


string odbtp_last_error_state([resource odbtp_connection])

Gets the the state of the last error that occurred for odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the state of the last odbtp function call error is returned.

odbtp_load_data_types -- load data type information


bool odbtp_load_data_types([resource odbtp_connection])

Loads data type information for use by functions odbtp_input, odbtp_inout, odbtp_output, odbtp_field_type, and odbtp_param_type. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource will be used. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_new_datetime -- create a new datetime object


object odbtp_new_datetime()

Returns a new instance of a datetime object. A datetime object is used to represent data whose ODB data type is ODB_DATETIME. The datetime object has the following structure:

class datetime
    var $year;
    var $month;
    var $day;
    var $hour;
    var $minute;
    var $second;
    var $fraction;


odbtp_next_result -- get next query result


bool odbtp_next_result(resource odbtp_query)

Gets the next result for a query executed with odbtp_query. This function returns FALSE if there are no more results or it fails. See also odbtp_query or odbtp_execute.

odbtp_num_fields -- get number of fields in query result


long odbtp_num_fields(resource odbtp_query)

Returns the number of fields in the current result set associated with odbtp_query. The function will return FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_num_params -- get number of prepared parameters


long odbtp_num_params(resource odbtp_query)

Returns the number of parameters in a query prepared for odbtp_query. The function will return FALSE if it fails. See also odbtp_prepare.

odbtp_num_rows -- get number of fetched rows from query


long odbtp_num_rows(resource odbtp_query)

Returns the number of rows fetched from the current result set associated with odbtp_query. If row caching has been enabled with odbtp_use_row_cache, then the total number of rows in the cache will be returned.

odbtp_output -- define parameter as output


bool odbtp_output(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id[, long data_type[, long length[, mixed sql_type[, long size[, long precision]]]]])

Defines parameter param_id of a query prepared for odbtp_query as an outout parameter, and binds it to the ODB data type data_type. The parameter's default ODB data type will be used if data_type is not specified. If length is specified, then it will be used as the maximum size for the bound data buffer, otherwise the server will try to determine it via the ODBC driver. If data_type is a fixed length ODB data type, the length is ignored.

The parameters sql_type, size and precision are only required if the ODBTP service did not or was unable to describe the parameter. sql_type specifies a type name that was previously loaded with odbtp_load_data_types

This function will return FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_param_bindtype -- get parameter bind type


long odbtp_param_bindtype(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id)

Returns the ODB data type bound to the odbtp_query prepared parameter param_id. The parameter param_id can either be the name or 1-based number of the prepared parameter. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_param_length -- get parameter max char length


long odbtp_param_length(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id)

Returns the maximum character display length of the odbtp_query prepared parameter param_id. The parameter param_id can either be the name or 1-based number of the prepared parameter. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_param_name -- get parameter name


string odbtp_param_name(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id)

Returns the name of the odbtp_query prepared parameter param_id. The parameter param_id is the 1-based number of the prepared parameter. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_param_number -- get parameter number


long odbtp_param_number(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id)

Returns the 1-based number of the odbtp_query prepared parameter param_id. The parameter param_id is the name of the prepared parameter. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_param_type -- get parameter data type


string odbtp_param_type(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id)

Returns the data type of the odbtp_query prepared parameter param_id. Thed parameter param_id can either be the name or 1-based number of the prepared parameter. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_prepare -- prepare a query for execution


resource odbtp_prepare( string query[, resource odbtp_handle])

Prepares the query for odbtp_handle, and returns an ODBTP query resource that can be used to execute the query with odbtp_execute. The function will return FALSE if it fails.

The parameter odbtp_handle is either an ODBTP connection or query resource. If it is an ODBTP query resource, then the function will return the same resource. In this case it is not necessary to store the returned resource in another variable, and only a test for failure is required. If odbtp_handle is an ODBTP connection resource, then its primary ODBTP query resource will be used and returned by the function. The function will allocate a primary ODBTP query resource for odbtp_handle if one has not been allocated.

odbtp_prepare_proc -- prepare a procedure for execution


resource odbtp_prepare_proc( string procedure[, resource odbtp_handle])

Prepares the specified procedure for odbtp_handle, and returns an ODBTP query resource that can be used to execute the procedure with odbtp_execute. The function will return FALSE if it fails.

The parameter odbtp_handle is either an ODBTP connection or query resource. If it is an ODBTP query resource, then the function will return the same resource. In this case it is not necessary to store the returned resource in another variable, and only a test for failure is required. If odbtp_handle is an ODBTP connection resource, then its primary ODBTP query resource will be used and returned by the function. The function will allocate a primary ODBTP query resource for odbtp_handle if one has not been allocated.

After preparing the procedure, odbtp_set and odbtp_get can be used to set and retrieve specific procedure parameter data. odbtp_attach_param can also be used for this purpose.

odbtp_query -- execute query


resource odbtp_query( string query[, resource odbtp_handle])

Executes the query for odbtp_handle, and returns an ODBTP query resource that can be used to obtain the results. The function will return FALSE if it fails.

The parameter odbtp_handle is either an ODBTP connection or query resource. If it is an ODBTP query resource, then the function will return the same resource. In this case it is not necessary to store the returned resource in another variable, and only a test for failure is required. If odbtp_handle is an ODBTP connection resource, then its primary ODBTP query resource will be used and returned by the function. The function will allocate a primary ODBTP query resource for odbtp_handle if one has not been allocated.

odbtp_query_id -- get query id


long odbtp_query_id(resource odbtp_query)

Returns the query ID for odbtp_query, or FALSE if it fails.

The query ID is used to identify an ODBTP query resource associated with an ODBTP connection resource. When using a reserved connection, this value can be used to restore the "pre-close" state of a query with odbtp_get_query. This is typicall done after reestablishing a reserved connection with odbtp_rconnect.

odbtp_rconnect -- reserved connect to ODBTP service


resource odbtp_rconnect(string host, string dbconnect)

Establishes or reestablishes a database connection via an ODBTP server, and returns the corresponding ODBTP connection resource or FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_rconnect establishes a connection in the same manner as odbtp_connect. The only difference is that the server-side database connection is reserved, and assigned a unique connection ID that can be used to reestablish an ODBTP connection with the same database connection after calling odbtp_close. The states of any open queries are also maintained by the server. This allows the same database connection to be used across web pages,

The following steps should be used to reestablish a reserved connection:

  1. Call odbtp_connect_id to obtain the connection ID.
  2. Call odbtp_query_id to obtain the query ID for each ODBTP query resource that will need to be restored.
  3. Save the connection and query IDs in session variables or pass them to other pages with CGI parameters.
  4. Close the connection with odbtp_close.
  5. Reestablish the connection with odbtp_rconnect by using the connection ID for dbconnect.
  6. Restore the ODBTP query resources by calling odbtp_get_query for each query ID.
If it is no longer necessary for the server to maintain the reserved database connection, then set the disconnect_db parameter of odbtp_close to TRUE when closing the connection.

odbtp_result -- get result data


mixed odbtp_result(resource odbtp_query, long row, mixed field_id)

Retrieves the data stored in the result set cell identified by row and field_id. The value for row is 0-based, and field_id can either be the name or 0-based number of the field. This function will only work if row caching has been enabled with odbtp_use_row_cache,

odbtp_rollback -- rollback current transaction


bool odbtp_rollback([resource odbtp_connection])

Rollbacks the database transactions since the last commit or rollback. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource will be used. This function is only applicable if the ODB attribute ODB_ATTR_TRANSACTIONS is not set to ODB_TXN_NONE. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_row_add -- add row


bool odbtp_row_add(resource odbtp_query)

Adds a new row to the result set for odbtp_query. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_row_add is only applicable if a keyset or dynamic cursor was enabled with odbtp_set_cursor prior to eecuting a query that generates a result set. Use odbtp_field to set the field values of the row before it is added.

odbtp_row_bookmark -- bookmark row


bool odbtp_row_bookmark(resource odbtp_query)

Bookmarks the current row fetched from the result set for odbtp_query. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_row_bookmark is only applicable if bookmark support was enabled when a static, keyset or dynamic cursor was enabled with odbtp_set_cursor prior to eecuting a query that generates a result set. This function bookmarks the row that will be used when performing a bookmark fetch with odbtp_fetch, odbtp_fetch_row, odbtp_fetch_array or odbtp_fetch_object.

odbtp_row_cache_size -- get row cache size


long odbtp_row_cache_size([resource odbtp_connection])

Returns the size of the row cache to use for query results generated with odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource is used. The return value is -1, if row caching has not been enabled.

odbtp_row_delete -- delete row


bool odbtp_row_delete(resource odbtp_query)

Deletes the current row fetched from the result set for odbtp_query. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_row_delete is only applicable if a keyset or dynamic cursor was enabled with odbtp_set_cursor prior to eecuting a query that generates a result set.

odbtp_row_lock -- lock row


bool odbtp_row_lock(resource odbtp_query)

Locks the current row fetched from the result set for odbtp_query. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_row_lock is only applicable if a keyset or dynamic cursor was enabled with odbtp_set_cursor prior to eecuting a query that generates a result set. Call odbtp_row_unlock to unlock the row.

odbtp_row_refresh -- refresh row


bool odbtp_row_refresh(resource odbtp_query)

Refreshes the current row fetched from the result set for odbtp_query. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_row_refresh is applicable only if a keyset or dynamic cursor was enabled with odbtp_set_cursor prior to eecuting a query that generates a result set. It is used to restore the row's field values to their original values if they were changed with odbtp_field.

odbtp_row_status -- get row status


long odbtp_row_status(resource odbtp_query)

Returns the ODB row status of the current row fetched from the result set for odbtp_query. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_row_status is only applicable if a keyset or dynamic cursor was enabled with odbtp_set_cursor prior to eecuting a query that generates a result set.

odbtp_row_unlock -- unlock row


bool odbtp_row_unlock(resource odbtp_query)

Unlocks the current row fetched from the result set for odbtp_query. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_row_unlock is only applicable if a keyset or dynamic cursor was enabled with odbtp_set_cursor prior to eecuting a query that generates a result set. This function is used to unlock a row that was locked with odbtp_row_lock.

odbtp_row_update -- update row


bool odbtp_row_update(resource odbtp_query)

Updates the current row fetched from the result set for odbtp_query. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_row_update is only applicable if a keyset or dynamic cursor was enabled with odbtp_set_cursor prior to eecuting a query that generates a result set. Use odbtp_field to set the field values of the row before it is updated.

odbtp_sconnect -- single process connect to ODBTP service


resource odbtp_sconnect(string host, string dbconnect)

resource odbtp_sconnect(string interface[, string username[, string password[, string database]]])

Establishes a database connection via an ODBTP server, and returns the corresponding ODBTP connection resource or FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_sconnect establishes a connection in the same manner as odbtp_connect. The only difference is that the server-side database connection is handled by a separate process instead of a thread. The purpose of the single process connection is to provide reliable access for databases whose ODBC drivers are not thread safe.

odbtp_set -- set parameter value


bool odbtp_set(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id[, mixed data])

Sets the value of the prepared query parameter param_id to data for odbtp_query. If data is not specified, then the default value for the prepared query parameter will be used. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

odbtp_set should only be used for prepared query parameters that were defined with odbtp_input or odbtp_inout.

odbtp_set_attr -- set attribute


bool odbtp_set_attr(long attrib, mixed value[, resource odbtp_connection])

Sets the ODB attribute attrib to value for odbtp_connection. The default ODBTP connection resource is used if odbtp_connection is not specified. This function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_set_cursor -- set cursor type


bool odbtp_set_cursor(resource odbtp_query[, long type[, long concurrency[, bool enable_bookmarks]]])

Sets the ODB cursor type to type and the ODB cursor concurrency type to concurrency for odbtp_query. The defaults for type and concurrency are ODB_CURSOR_FORWARD and ODB_CONCUR_DEFAULT respectively. The parameter enable_bookmark is used to determine whether or not bookmark support should be enabled. The default for this parameter is FALSE. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

In order to use scrollable fetches or row-level operations, odbtp_set_cursor must be called prior to executing queries that generate result sets. The selected cursor type will remain in effect for all queries until it is changed to a new type.

odbtp_type_param -- get type of parameter


long odbtp_type_param(resource odbtp_query, mixed param_id)

Returns the ODB parameter type of the odbtp_query prepared parameter param_id. Thed parameter param_id can either be the name or 1-based number of the prepared parameter. The function returns FALSE if it fails.

odbtp_use_row_cache -- enable row cache usage


bool odbtp_use_row_cache([resource odbtp_connection[, bool use_cache[, long size]]])

Enable row cache usage for subsequent queries associated with odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource will be used. Set use_cache to TRUE to enable row caching, or FALSE to disable it. If not specified, the default value for use_cache is TRUE. Set size to the maximum number rows allowed in the cache. If size is not specified, then all rows will be placed in the cache. The return value is FALSE if the function fails.

Note: It is not necessary to call this function if row caching was enabled vie an interface file.

odbtp_version -- get protocol version


string odbtp_version([resource odbtp_connection])

Returns the ODBTP protocol version of the connection identified by odbtp_connection. If odbtp_connection is not specified, then the default ODBTP connection resource is used.